Strategy does not give you a Competitive Advantage.

Execution Does.


Transforming Organisations through Human Capital

Accelerating execution

YellowRoad focuses on delivering strategy in fast growing companies. For us the ‘YellowRoad’ represents the strategy of how you get there; identifying the best path and the smartest way to accomplish your goals. Every shiny brick in the road represents an action step leading to the successful execution of your strategy. We believe that in executing strategy people make the difference: people don't follow strategy, people follow people.

Get ahead of the curve

YellowRoad mainly works for organizations where rapid turnarounds or transitions are necessary and where the competence and experience to do this themselves is lacking. Unusual assignments that must be carried out confidentially and properly. Together we go beyond what one would be able to do on their own.

Who We Are

Your trusted advisor

We are experienced professionals and entrepreneurs who have led companies, been trusted advisors of managing boards and leadership teams, always in a fast-growing pace. We don’t shy away from being hands-on if needed, not always comfortable and flattering, but competent, direct and transparant. We add tactical insights and interventions to accelerate the execution of your strategy. We believe that having the right people on the bus, demonstrate role-model behavior and ensure feedback is the essence of transforming and/or growing your company. 

We work with leading PE partners in the Netherlands and Germany and have a track record in shaping a robust People & Organization in their portfolio companies.

We don’t have a blueprint; we design and help execute tailormade solutions that fit your organization and leadership.

YellowRoad is a partnership with BCM.

Our Approach

We work with owners and leadership teams to improve the performance and health of their business to realize a more successful exit than could be achieved in a status quo scenario.



Effective leadership is critical to the success of private equity owned companies. We strongly believe that in order to drive growth and achieve results leaders must be able to: align the company's goals with those of the PE firm, build and lead a strong management team, implement efficient processes and systems, and cultivate strong cultures and manage risk effectively. YellowRoad helps with impactful leadership interventions such as team composition, boardroom consulting and team development.



In a fast-growing company it is critical to focus on performance, it helps everyone stay on track on their individual goals and the organization’s strategic objectives. Next to that, it is critical to maximize returns, improve operational efficiency, and retain top talent. YellowRoad assists with impactful performance interventions including objective alignment, performance rituals and performance culture.



Employees are the base of a strong and long-running organization. It is important to have the right people, at the right time in the right role. They are key in achieving business goals and drive the organization forward. YellowRoad helps with impactful workforce interventions including workforce planning, key positions, and workforce capabilities.

Scalable HR

Scalable HR

Organizations that want to remain competitive and agile in the face of change, need to design a HR function that is flexible. A scalable HR function can accommodate changes in the size, complexity, and strategic direction of the organization, without sacrificing quality or efficiency. YellowRoad helps with impactful HR intervention including organizational structure and technology, processes & data.

Our Team